Communication through Media|Launching a Free Paper
In 2010, while majoring in graphic design at art college, she launched the free paper Junshin MOOK (co-produced by Jun Omori) as an editor and designer. She feels the potential of free paper as a medium that is not regulated and as a means of direct communication through the medium. He participated in events and contests, and attracted a bit of attention from creative students and people around free papers, including his performance.
In 2011, he graduated from university and returned to Okayama to start farming. After working for three months harvesting strawberries in their peak season, he moved to Tokyo. Began working as a freelance designer.

2012年、純真MOOKをきっかけに、当時PEN誌の表紙になるなど話題となっていたフリーペーパー専門店「ONLY FREE PAPER」へ誘われて合流。渋谷パルコ店のアートディレクションの他、広報活動、イベントの企画・運営、ウェブメディアの立ち上げなどを担当。ジリ貧状態の中で奔走し、新進カルチャーを支えるのは熱意と労力であることを身をもって経験する。「シブカル祭。」内の企画「ZINE PARK」では200組のクリエイターを集め3日間で2000人を動員する。フリーペーパーというソフトから、それを広める場としてのハードへと興味の幅が広がる。人と人、人と情報が媒体を通して垣根なく結びつくリアル空間でのフリーカルチャーの魅力に取り憑かれる。
From intangible to tangible|Free Papers and Their Surroundings
In 2012, Junshin MOOK led him to join the free paper specialty store "ONLY FREE PAPER", which was a hot topic at the time, including the cover of PEN magazine. In addition to art directing the Shibuya Parco store, he was in charge of public relations, event planning and management, and the launch of web media. As he struggled to make ends meet, he learned firsthand that it is enthusiasm and hard work that support up-and-coming culture. ZINE PARK" project in "Shibucal Matsuri. ZINE PARK", a project within the "Shibucal Festival", attracted 200 creators and attracted 2,000 people in three days. His interest in free papers expanded from the software to the hardware of a place to spread them. He is fascinated by the appeal of free culture in a real space where people and people and information are connected without barriers through media.

Overseas recognition and development|As a graphic designer
In 2013, he started the Tumblr site "noichigo_source" (initially under the name noichigo) to post his artwork and its original data with a CC license. Gradually, his work was picked up by the media, and he gained recognition mainly overseas. In addition, remixes based on the artwork began to appear on the Internet, with online music labels using them for album jackets, photographers collaborating with them on their own work, and various other developments beyond graphics. Later, noichigo_source led him to exhibit at a gallery in Wisconsin, release his work on a publishing label in Milan, and be invited to participate in a design festival in Manchester.

2013年、ONLY FREE PAPERでのWEB案件が増えてきたことから、WEB制作会社へデザイナーとして所属。ブランドの立ち上げとECサイトの運用を経験。さらに開発を担当したゲームアプリがテレビなどで紹介される。
2014年、ONLY FREE PAPER 渋谷パルコ店の閉店とともWEB制作会社からも離れる。
2015年、ONLY FREE PAPERのコミュニティステーション東小金井移転を機に、その施設の企画・運営元である会社に所属。建築や編集のセクションと協働し、エリアマネジメントやまちづくりのプロジェクトに携わる。コミュニティ施設の運営や商業施設と地域をつなぐ施策に関わり、より広い視野を得る。働き方もさらに柔軟になっていく。
Finding a Way to Work|As a Designer and Director
While working as a freelancer, I also belonged to several companies at the same time. I began a multi-disciplinary way of working, not based in one place.
In 2013, as the number of web projects for ONLY FREE PAPER increased, she joined a web production company as a designer. She experienced the launch of the brand and the operation of the EC site. In addition, the game application she was in charge of developing was introduced on TV and other media.
In 2014, she left the web production company when the ONLY FREE PAPER Shibuya Parco store closed.
After that, he signed an outsourcing contract with a design firm, but the contract was terminated within a month due to differences in work content and philosophy. He began to have doubts about the existing way of working for designers, and began to search for a new work style. This feeling was carried over to the organizational structure of the company he later started.
In 2015, after the relocation of the Only Free Paper community station to Higashi Koganei, he joined the company that planned and operated the facility. Working with the architecture and editorial sections, she is involved in area management and urban development projects. She was involved in the management of community facilities and measures to connect commercial facilities with the local community, and gained a broader perspective. Her working style is also becoming more flexible.

The Future of Local Industry|The Case of Okuyama Strawberry Farm
In 2016, the Okuyama Strawberry Farm|plate project was launched.
I have been branding my family's strawberry farm since 2009, but during that time, changes in the working environment surfaced due to improved cultivation methods, changes in distribution and the resulting increase in recognition and visitors. It was decided to improve the business with a view to reforming the way farmers work.
Specifically, the project involved the opening of a café under the direct management of the farmer to promote the development of a sixth industry, and rebranding the business to take advantage of its unique characteristics. Through this project, the company will work to solve social issues faced by farmers and local communities, such as improving the working environment, reducing waste loss, stabilizing income, solving labor shortages, and creating local communities.
In 2017, the cafe recorded 440 visitors in the two days of its opening. It was covered by local media including TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines. Since then, they have won the grand prize in a competition sponsored by JR, released a confectionary in collaboration with a long-established Japanese confectionary store, opened a summer pop-up store in the city center, and started selling jam at DEAN&DELUCA nationwide.
Despite being a small, family-run farm, it has grown to become a brand-name farm, with direct sales selling out immediately, a month-long wait for delivery, and an hour-long wait for popular menu items at the café. The only thing that matters is that the strawberries produced by his parents are delicious.
I have been branding my family's strawberry farm since 2009, but during that time, changes in the working environment surfaced due to improved cultivation methods, changes in distribution and the resulting increase in recognition and visitors. It was decided to improve the business with a view to reforming the way farmers work.
Specifically, the project involved the opening of a café under the direct management of the farmer to promote the development of a sixth industry, and rebranding the business to take advantage of its unique characteristics. Through this project, the company will work to solve social issues faced by farmers and local communities, such as improving the working environment, reducing waste loss, stabilizing income, solving labor shortages, and creating local communities.
In 2017, the cafe recorded 440 visitors in the two days of its opening. It was covered by local media including TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines. Since then, they have won the grand prize in a competition sponsored by JR, released a confectionary in collaboration with a long-established Japanese confectionary store, opened a summer pop-up store in the city center, and started selling jam at DEAN&DELUCA nationwide.
Despite being a small, family-run farm, it has grown to become a brand-name farm, with direct sales selling out immediately, a month-long wait for delivery, and an hour-long wait for popular menu items at the café. The only thing that matters is that the strawberries produced by his parents are delicious.

2017年、奥山いちご農園プロジェクトでチームを組んだことをきっかけに、幼馴染のディレクター・デザイナー乙倉慎司とともに「合同会社 千日デザインアソシエーション」を起業。共同代表を務める。
2018年、岡山の農業機械メーカーと千日の共同出資で新会社「株式会社 1000n」を設立(乙倉を代表取締役とする)し、農業支援を目的とした事業を開始。
農業の小さな拠点となるアイスクリーム店「畑でとれるアイスのお店 AOBA」を創業。地元農家と協働し、6次産業化のはじめの一歩となる活動を展開している。
A hub for connecting local communities and primary industries|Sennichi and AOBA Founding
In 2017, after teaming up on the Okuyama Strawberry Farm project, he started the Sennichi Design Association LLC,. with his childhood friend Shinji Otokura, a director and designer. He is the co-chairman of the company. By chance, they set up an office in Osakikamijima, a remote island in Hiroshima. With a focus on building long-breath relationships, he is involved in solving social issues faced by local communities and primary industries through design.
In 2018, he established a new company, 1000n Corporation, jointly funded by an agricultural machinery manufacturer in Okayama and Sennichi (with Otokura as the representative director), and started a business aimed at supporting agriculture.
Founded "AOBA," an ice cream store that serves as a small base for agriculture. She is working with local farmers to develop activities that will be the first step toward the development of a sixth industry.
Around this time, she moved to Okayama for a short time to have a baby and raise her family.
In 2018, he established a new company, 1000n Corporation, jointly funded by an agricultural machinery manufacturer in Okayama and Sennichi (with Otokura as the representative director), and started a business aimed at supporting agriculture.
Founded "AOBA," an ice cream store that serves as a small base for agriculture. She is working with local farmers to develop activities that will be the first step toward the development of a sixth industry.
Around this time, she moved to Okayama for a short time to have a baby and raise her family.

Where we are in 2019
While moving her main base to Tokyo again, she works in a location-independent way while raising her children.
In March 2019, she will step down as co-chair of Sennichi. After that, she will continue to participate as a partner and continue to work on projects.
From May 2019, she plans to start activities under the name "EDIT(REAL)PUNKS" with Kyoto-based graphic designer Keigo Shiotani.
Cities and regions, culture and industry, art and business, intangible and tangible. ......
I am a freelance art director and designer who works with design as the core while crossing boundaries.
In March 2019, she will step down as co-chair of Sennichi. After that, she will continue to participate as a partner and continue to work on projects.
From May 2019, she plans to start activities under the name "EDIT(REAL)PUNKS" with Kyoto-based graphic designer Keigo Shiotani.
Cities and regions, culture and industry, art and business, intangible and tangible. ......
I am a freelance art director and designer who works with design as the core while crossing boundaries.